HOP brings you (developer, tech lead, business leader) the potential to build your envisioned digital solution.

HOP, an Open Source platform built in Clojure(Script), automates the cloud/on-premises infrastructure and the technological base so you can focus on the domain problem.

Develop, run and deploy your web application quickly and easily in your AWS cloud (more cloud providers coming soon) and on-premises.

Get a solid foundation for your software project, an underlying technology base that increases quality and reduces complexity.

Move faster by shortening your time-to-market: you can quickly make changes and evolve the system to meet business needs.

Reduce costs by focusing on the domain problem thanks to the solid underlying architecture that guarantees scalability and performance.

Manage your entire stack (databases, code, deployment) in your local environments, and test and deploy into production environments effortlessly.

Easier maintenance: a data oriented functional programming language enables you to create software products with more precision and less code.

Developers have total flexibility and freedom to solve problems as they see fit, this flexibility also extends to the UI and functionality.

Minimal technology debt. HOP is very sensitive to backwards compatibility. The code of ten years ago should not break today and code deployed now should run in a decade’s time as well.

Develop and deploy

HOP brings competitive advantages to all stakeholders in your digital project


Simplify development efforts by eliminating cognitive load enabling developers to focus on the domain problem.

Reduction in DevOps effort

Workflow automation

Push with confidence: Automated tests and checks

Powerful Clojure code that gives you total freedom

IT leaders

Eliminate technology risk by standing on the shoulders of a powerful, secure and robust technology stack that can be maintained and evolved by a smaller team.

Deliver projects in less time

Stay in control: open source, reduced technical debt

Empower your developers

Business leaders

Innovate faster and delight your customers with a smooth user experience and cutting-edge performance.

Ship faster: increase innovation

Seamless and more frequent deployments

Customer engagement: real-time feedback

Less code, more productive teams

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